Is Cage Trapping Columbus Pigeons a Smart Move? Are There Easier Options?

For those who have been experiencing an array of Columbus wildlife infestations in the past, the first thing that will probably cross your mind if you have a pigeon infestation is to reach for the cage trap. You will then set the trap in a place that is experiencing a severe pigeon infestation. However, if you don’t have plans of killing them, releasing and relocating them will not work since the pigeon will simply return to your property.

Why Traps Do Not Work with Pigeons

The challenge in dealing with the Georgia pigeon infestation is that trapping is not the best solution to get rid of them. While this may seem to be a humane method, you will soon realize that it will not help you solve your recurring infestation. Some people will think that releasing them from a fair distance after trapping them will end their pigeon problem. However, this is not the case. As aforementioned, unless you are planning to kill it humanely, then trapping will not be the right option.

Why Releasing and Relocation will Not Work

Aside from the fact that you need to check the cage trap several times to ensure that there will be no pigeons that will die from starvation, there are also certain things that will convince you that cage trap is not an excellent choice when it comes to pigeon control. Pigeons can maneuver at an amazing speed once they are released. Aside from that, they have an ability known as homing instinct. Even if you relocate them on a distant area, they will immediately return to your area before you even travel back to your home.

Killing the Columbus Bird

Once the Georgia pigeon has been caught in the trap, you will realize how difficult it is to deal with them. However, if you have a deliberate intention to kill them, be sure that you will only use the humane method to stay away from any legal repercussion. It should also be conducted at once after capturing the pigeons.

Is there Any Alternative to Trapping?

The alternative solution will largely depend upon your unique situation and the area where the Georgia pigeons are causing problems. In case your infestation problem with the pigeon is located outdoors, bird spikes and bird nettings would be a good solution. This can be effective to discourage the creature from roosting on your roof or ledges. For the pigeons that accidentally ended up inside your house, simply open the door or window that leads to the outside to give them an escape route. Avoid scaring them since it can harm them and may damage your personal belongings. 

Trapping is not always the right solution especially if relocating them to another place presents an issue. Most of the Columbus wildlife creatures will find it hard to thrive in unfamiliar surroundings. Consider all the essential aspects before choosing a particular method that will end your infestation. You may also consult the local wildlife center and they might be able to provide you with a better alternative.

Visit our Columbus wildlife trapping home page to learn more about us.