How to Safely Remove and Clean Up Columbus Rat Feces - Do it the Right Way!

The Columbus homeowners that are experiencing rat infestation should stay careful when they are dealing with the droppings of the rat. You need to know that their droppings may carry diseases that can be fatal to humans and your pets. This can be acquired through direct contact with the excrement of the rats. In order to avoid these dangers, proper removal of their feces should be conducted by the trained professionals.

Guide on Cleaning the Rat Droppings in Your Georgia Attic

However, if you are completely confident that you can deal with the matters on your own, we created a short guide that will walk you through the entire process. Follow this method and you can guarantee that you will stay away from the hazards of the rat feces. Be sure that you will wear protective gears such as face masks (preferably those with P100 or HEPA filter), goggles, and gloves.


Your preparation is highly important to the success of decontaminating your Columbus attic. Start by improving the air circulation in your attic. Open all the windows. Stay away from your attic for at least 30 minutes after opening windows. Before disturbing the dropping, spray some water first on the feces of the rat. You also need to prepare cleaning solution or a mixture of bleach and water. As we mentioned above, be sure that you are wearing your protective gears while doing this.

Cleaning the Droppings

Avoid sweeping or vacuuming the droppings since it may release the spores in the air. Use a disinfectant in cleaning the Georgia droppings. Spray your disinfectant directly on the pile of droppings and allow it to soak for about 5 minutes. For those who are using a commercial cleaning solution, follow the instructions of the manufacturer carefully. Wipe the droppings using paper towel and place it inside a garbage bag. Once you completely get rid of the droppings, tie the garbage bag but do not release the trapped air inside. After you completed this part, it is now time to disinfect your attic.

Disinfecting Your Attic

Using the mixture of the bleach and water or your cleaning solution, mop the floor of your Georgia attic. For the items in your attic that has been contaminated by the droppings such as your insulation, you will have to replace them. If you have furniture or carpet in your attic that has been stained with their droppings and urine, steam clean them until the stains have been eliminated. The garments that you use when cleaning the dropping should be washed with hot water and laundry detergent. Remove your gloves and wash your hands thoroughly. You should not completely rely on hand sanitizers when cleaning your hand. Wash your wrist and the area under the nails to ensure that no organic matter has been stuck.  

No one wants to deal with the laborious cleaning task. This is why you need to keep your Columbus house rat-proof to keep the rodents at bay. You can also hire the service of the wildlife removal experts and allow them to deal with this time-consuming task.

Visit our Columbus wildlife control home page to learn more about us.